Looking for some doggie's name?
I hope you will help me to spread the word educating people about the unfairness of BBD (Big Black Dog) Syndrome.These sweet, loving dogs deserve a chance. By the way, BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!
Black Dog Names
If you are considering adopting a Black Dog, here are some special names picked for them:
Ash Bear Beluga Blackberry Blackie Blackjack Charcoal Coco Cocopuff Coke Cola Cordial Cosmos Currant Diesel Domino Dusk Ebony Eclipse Eightball Ember Espresso Galaxy Guinness Inkspot Inky Jet Hershey Licorice Midnight Moonbeam Moonstruck Nero Noir Olive Onyx Pepper Pepsi Phantom Pitch Puddle Sable Shade Shadow Smoke Smokey Sooty Spade Spot Storm Stormy Raven Thunder Twilight Velvet
Chocolate Dog Names
Here are some brown dog names for your sweet new pooch!
Almond Aurora Bear Brownie Brandy Buster Brown Buster Cacao Cadbury Caramel Chestnut Chocco Cinnamon Clove Cocoa Coco Cocoa Puff Coffee Copper Eclipse Espresso Fudge Fudgy Ginger Godiva Guiness Hershey Hickory Honey Java Kahlua Kit Kat Latte Malt Maltball Maple Mocha Molasses Mousse Nutella Nutmeg Penny Rolo Rusty Snickers Starbuck Storm Toblerone Toffee Tootsie Roll Tootsie Truffle Twix Walnut Whiskey
Names For White Dogs
Ash Blanc Blanche Blizzard Buffy Camembert Carnation Cloud Coconut osmos Cotton Crème Daisy Diamond Dogwood Downy Dove Dune Foggy Frosty Frothy Gardenia Glacier Hyacinth Ice Ivory Jasmine Lily Lychee Magnolia Mascarpone Marshmallow Mayo Milkshake Milky Misty Moonlight Opal Oxford Pearl Polar Powder Powder Puff Rocky Sandy Snowflake Snowy Spud Sugar Sunbeam Sweet Pea Tundra Vanilla Vapor Whipped cream
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