Wednesday, 29 June 2011

His FINAL Days

A guide to caring for your pet during his final days

Coping with the impending loss of a pet is one of the most difficult experiences a pet parent will face. Whether your furry friend is approaching his golden years or has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, it’s important to calmly guide the end-of-life experience and minimize any discomfort or distress. As your pet’s health declines, you may elect to care for your pet at home—with the supervision of a veterinarian—or you may decide to end his suffering with euthanasia.
Whatever course you choose, you’re not alone—the ASPCA is here to help. Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about making your pet’s final days peaceful and dignified. 

My Pet Is Elderly and Will Soon Pass Away. How Can I Make My Home More Comfortable for Her?
The most important thing you can do for your elderly pet is to minimize any pain or distress she’s experiencing at the end of her life. First, be sure to consult with your veterinarian and treat any health problems, since undiagnosed issues can cause discomfort and rapid deterioration. 
Make your pet feel secure by surrounding her with her favorite things, like a warm blanket or special squeaky toy. Since pressure sores can develop in pets with limited mobility, it’s also essential to provide a warm sleeping spot with plenty of cushioning.
Some older pets may develop incontinence, or the loss of bladder control, so be sure to check your furry friend regularly for any wetness or soiling. If your pet needs help getting up to urinate or defecate, you can purchase a sling or use a large towel to wrap under her body and assist her.

What Determines a Good Quality of Life for My Pet?
  • Does your pet seem irritable, restless or confused?
  • Has he lost his appetite or does he drink water excessively?
  • Does he avoid his favorite activities?
  • Is your pet picked on by other animals in the home? This can happen when a sick or elderly dog becomes the weakest member of the “pack.”
  • Does he seek out unusual places to sleep or hide?
When your pet’s quality of life deteriorates due to an untreatable disease or aging, please speak with your veterinarian and family members about end-of-life issues.

How Can I Tell if My Pet Is in Pain?
When cats and dogs are suffering, they may not show outward signs that we normally associate with pain like whimpering or crying. Sometimes an animal will continue to eat or drink in spite of pain, panting or disorientation. Some physiological and behavioral signs that your pet might be experiencing pain include:
  • excessive panting or gasping for breath
  • reclusiveness
  • reluctance to move
  • food pickiness
If you’re unsure of how much your pet is suffering, keep a daily record of good days and bad days. It’s also important to ask your veterinarian for the exact signs of suffering likely to be associated with your pet’s condition or disease.

Are There Any Behavioral Changes I Might See in My Sick Pet or Other Pets in the Household?
Irregular behavior patterns are often the first sign that your pet is ill or in pain. A pet may lose his normal activity levels, appetite and grooming tendencies, or he may exhibit inappropriate elimination, vocalization and aggression.
Other healthy pets in the household may experience similar abnormal behaviors as a reaction to the changes and distress of your sick animal companion. Be sure to get regular check-ups for all of your pets to monitor and protect against any undiagnosed issues.

What Are Some At-Home Pain Management Options for My Elderly Pet?
If you suspect your pet is in pain, please make an appointment with a veterinarian for a physical examination and consultation. Your veterinarian will explain the pain management protocol associated with your pet’s specific condition. For pain due to arthritis, for example, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug may be prescribed, but only after blood tests ensure that your pet does not have kidney or liver problems that would preclude using this type of medication. If your pet has more severe pain, due to a chronic illness like cancer, your veterinarian may prescribe a narcotic pain killer in the form of an oral medicine or a patch that is placed on the skin. 

Will My Other Pets Grieve a Pet Who Has Passed Away?
After the loss of a companion animal, many people observe a change in their surviving pet’s behavior. Sometimes the pet appears depressed and shows diminished interest in play or food, and it often helps to simply give your surviving pet some extra attention and love. If your animal companion appears upset, check with a veterinarian to make sure there is no underlying medical problem causing his behavior.
It is also well-documented that pets can recognize death in a companion animal. Cats, dogs and horses who see the deceased body of an animal they knew can adjust very well and spend less time searching and grieving than pets who have not seen their companion’s remains.


Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Pet Loss

Sadly, everyone who cares for a pet will one day face the illness, old age or passing of their beloved animal friend. It is as natural and necessary to grieve for the loss of a pet as it is for any loved one who dies. And it is important to have compassion and support in one's time of grief. The ASPCA is here to help—below you will find several resources to assist you and your loved ones during this difficult time.

Helping Your Child When the Family Pet Dies

Facing the death of a family pet can be one of the most traumatic events in a child's young life. The ASPCA Pet Loss Support program can provide advice on how to deal with the young members of your family. If you are unable to contact us right away, the following tips may help:

Understand that your child may feel a variety of emotions-from emptiness and sadness to guilt and anger at friends whose pets are still alive. Your children may worry that the animal's death is their fault, and may wonder what happens to animals after they die. Some kids may even worry that other children and classmates will ridicule them for loving their pet so much.

Here are a few activities that may help your child deal with his or her grief:

  • It may help some children to draw a picture of their pet, or write a letter to their pet.
  • Sometimes it can help to have a memorial service, including the entire family and friends who knew your pet. If you have a backyard, you can plant a tree or flowers in your pet's honor. Your children may want to help you plan this.
  • It may make some children better to keep something that their pet really loved-such as a collar, tag or favorite toy.
  • You and your child can gather up photographs of your pet to make into a photo album. This can be arranged chronologically, starting with pictures of when the animal was a baby. Your child can also include information about your pet's favorite toys, treats and things to do.
  • Sitting down with the family and sharing memories of your pet can make your children sad--but it can make them laugh, too, and will help your child understand that everyone is feeling the loss as well.
  • Although your child may not feel like it, it can help to engage in his or her regular activities-such as going to practice or rehearsal after school, playing outside or going for a bike ride.


ASPCA Guide To Kids and Pets

puppy sleeps on the girl's hand Stock Photo - 5980138Kids and pets—a natural fit, right? Indeed, raising a child and pet together can be a lot of fun for the whole family. But creating healthy kid-pet relationships can be challenging. Our behaviorists offer tips to teach young members of the family to care for and "play nice" with their pets, helping to foster humane habits and a lifelong bond. 

The Right Pet for Your Child’s Age

Thinking of adding a pet to the family? Make sure you’re bringing home an animal who is appropriate for your child’s age.



Infants cannot handle or take care of pets. So, if you already have a family pet when your child is born—or if you adopted soon after—make sure to formally introduce your infant to your pet. Supervise them as they get to know each other, gradually increasing the length of time they spend together.



Toddlers are curious and will pull at an animal’s fur, limbs and ears in an attempt to make contact through touching. Make sure that the pet you’ve adopted can handle being touched in this way. As your pet and child spend time together (always under your supervision!), take great care that your child doesn’t hurt your pet by grabbing. Also be sure that your child doesn’t grab your pet’s food and water dishes, your cat’s litterbox or its contents. If you have fish, keep small hands away from aquarium wires and out of aquariums!


little girl kissing her young brown bunny. focus on the rabbit Stock Photo - 45060133-5 Years

At this age, your child is learning about contact and empathy. ASPCA experts recommend a guinea pig for a pet. Guinea pigs like to be held, seldom bite and will whistle when excited or happy, to the delight of most kids. Your child can also help with responsibilities by filling the water bottle and food dish.






 : goldfishes jumping, on white background Stock Photo5-10 Years

Kids this age have inconsistent attention spans and are best off with small pets such as gerbils and goldfish. Supervise them during play sessions and while they do chores such as cleaning cages, filling water bottles and bowls, measuring food and scrubbing cage furniture and toys. This is a good time to develop good hygiene habits around pets with an emphasis on washing hands and surfaces when done handling or playing.



Doghouse DJ Stock Photo - 439238110-13 Years

Kids in their early teens have a great interest in animals and a good capacity for responsibility. They are ready for pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits and can handle feeding and walking the pet, cleaning the cat’s litter and cleaning out the rabbit’s cage. Although kids in this age group can be reliable, adults should always check that pets have adequate food and water and that the cage or litterbox is clean. Kids can also participate in dog training classes, which can be an excellent learning opportunity for them. 

 Resting Dog14-17 Years

Teens tend to be very busy, and animals will have to compete for their time and attention. Recommended pets are birds and aquarium fish. They’re old enough to take on all of the responsibilities of caring for their pet, with adult supervision and guidance. They may even spend their allowance on treats. Parents should note that dogs and cats acquired at this time will probably stay in the home when the child leaves for college. 

How Kids Respond to Pets: What to Expect from Your Child

Infants & Toddlers

Infants and toddlers should be monitored by an adult when spending time with pets. Most young children are attracted to pets and want to interact with them, but infants and toddlers can’t distinguish between living beings and inanimate objects. To them, pets are the equivalent of moving stuffed toys. They can’t comprehend that pulling on a pet’s tail or hitting with a hard object will cause pain. Because of this, should a pet try to escape their grasp, they might become frustrated, squeezing too tightly or lashing out in anger, causing the pet to shy away from future interactions.



By two years old, most children can learn to put their pet’s toys away in a box that’s separate from their own toys. If your child neglects to put his own toys away and your pet chews on them, remove the damaged toy for several weeks. This will help your child learn to be more protective of his toys. Likewise, teach your child to leave your pet’s toys alone, except when they’re playing together. This is similar to training a child to leave his sibling’s things alone.



Never leave a child under the age of three unsupervised with an animal. Children older than this should regularly demonstrate good judgment and self-control before you allow them to be alone with a pet.
By the age of three, children are capable of playing simple, interactive games with their pets. Using their voice and small treats, they can persuade most pets to pay attention to them, retrieve a ball and join in chase games. They can also help fill your pet’s food and water bowls. Although parents should still closely monitor interactions, children of this age can also learn to respect a pet’s boundaries. For example, you can teach your child to keep his distance while your cat eats her dinner or while your dog is occupied with a safe chew toy. However, children this young can’t understand that a pet’s mind works differently than theirs does. If your pet destroys a treasured item or plays roughly enough to hurt your child, your three-year-old might think your pet did it on purpose and feel justified in punishing him.

Little cute kitten Stock Photo - 75411878-Year-Olds

An eight-year-old fully understands that an animal has thoughts and feelings that are unique to her as an individual and as a member of a different species. Children this age have learned about animals through a combination of the following:

  • Trial and error—getting direct feedback from a pet when she growls, scratches, runs away, purrs, licks and cuddles in response to a child’s behavior
  • Watching both adults and other children interact with pets and modeling their behavior on that of others
  • Being taught that a pet is a member of the family and deserves respect and consideration
  • Absorbing media depictions of animals—both realistic and misleading
  • Learning about animals in educational settings like schools, zoos and aquariums



If your child is under the age of 13, don’t leave him in charge of your pet outside your home, even if the pet is on a leash. Likewise, don’t expect a youth under the age of 15 to be able to control a pet in potentially dangerous situations, such as encountering loose dogs while walking the family dog.
We know that teenagers rely on their pets to comfort and console them when problems arise with peers, but they can also direct irrational rage at their pets. For example, a teenager might become angry and react irrationally if her pet destroys her personal items. Teens can also lose interest in their pets as they become preoccupied with peers. Later, they might feel guilty if their neglect caused their pet to be re-homed.

Fun Activities For Kids And Pets

Healthy play habits between kids and family pets don’t always come naturally—children need guidance in interacting safely and respectfully with animals. Luckily the best way to learn how to play nice is to enjoy lots of great games together. ASPCA behaviorists offer some fun, age-appropriate activities that help develop trust and a loving bond between your kids and pets.


Play Time

Arrange play dates for your kids and pets—supervised by you—to help build a mutual respect in the same way that play dates between children create healthy friendships.



Kids 6 Months To 2 Years Old:

  • Your child can lie on the floor and your dog or cat can jump over him.
  • You and your child can hide and then call your pet to come find you.
  • Young children love peek-a-boo games. Try holding up a cloth so that your pet is concealed. Let your child pull the cloth aside, making your pet “appear.”
  • If your pet is gentle, your child can smear his own fingers and toes with peanut butter or a soft cheese product and let your pet lick them clean. (Try this with your fingers first. If your pet’s nibbling is too rough, choose another activity.)
  • Children in a high chair, crib or playpen can drop food for your pet to enjoy, but please avoid using animal treats because your child might eat them. It is also ESSENTIAL to avoid using foods that are dangerous to pets. Stick to healthy people foods such as green beans, carrot sticks, apple slices (without seeds), unsalted pretzels and plain, cooked pasta. 

Boys and Golden Retriever Stock Photo - 965909 Kids 3 To 8 Years Old:

  • Your child and dog can race with each other to a designated finish line. If necessary, you can run with your dog on a leash.
  • Your child can throw a toy for your pet to retrieve.
  • Armed with treats, your child can hide while you stay with your pet. When your child calls out, let your pet go search for him. When your pet finds him, let your child give the treats as a reward.
  • If your dog likes to chase water sprayed from a hose or water gun, your child can operate the sprayer or toy gun. While you’re supervising, have your child spray the ground a few feet away from your dog and then rapidly move the stream of water away from her, along the ground. (Watch your dog for signs that she’s not having fun anymore. If she isn’t actively chasing or trying to bite the stream of water, it’s time to stop.)
  • Your child can blow bubbles for your pet to catch. You can purchase a bubble toy made especially for dogs, such as the Fetch a Bubble Big Bubble Blaster or the Bubble Buddy. These toys produce flavored bubbles that are safe for dogs to ingest. Please do not use regular bubble solution. It can cause mild stomach upset and can sting your pet’s eyes.
  • Your child and pet can team up to find treats that you’ve hidden. While your pet can excel at finding things hidden near the ground, your child can find things hidden higher-up.
  • Your child can entice your pet to chase a toy tied to the end of a rope. You can also buy an inexpensive lunge whip from a horse tack or feed store and tie a ball or other toy to the end of it. Then your child can twirl the whip in a big circle and let your pet chase the toy. 

    Kids 9 To 13 Years Old:

    • Children of this age can benefit from attending basic dog obedience classes with their dogs.
    • Your child can play soccer-type games and Frisbee with your dog.
    • Some children appreciate the challenge of competing with a dog in agility or in games such as flyball.
    • Your child can search the Internet or library to find new tricks to teach your pet, such as Roll Over, Shake, Sit Up and Beg.  

    Safety Tips

    Whether your child and family pet are just getting to know each other or are already on their way to becoming lifelong friends, the following tips will help to enrich their relationship, while keeping both pet and child healthy and safe:


    Physical Safety

    • Teach your child to read your pet’s body language and identify signs that your pet wants to be left alone. You can learn more about your dog’s body language in our Canine Body Postures (pdf) article.
    • Teach your child how to protect himself from an overexcited pet by demonstrating the basics of dog bite prevention, such as rolling into a ball, protecting hands and face and calling for help, rather than running or screaming if he’s chased by a dog. For more information, check out Dog Bite Prevention and Safety in the Pet Care section of our website.
    • Teach your dog to respond to the word “Stop” and encourage your child to practice using that word when appropriate.
    • Don’t let your child’s friends bring their pets into your home without adult supervision.


    Toy Safety

    • Don’t let your pet play with your child’s toys—they may not be pet-safe. The reverse is also true.
    • Don’t give your child balloons to play with around your pet, and don’t give your pet balloons to play with. Your pet may be frightened by the noise of a popping balloon and could choke on one if chewed. A child can burst a balloon and choke should she try to imitate the way a pet uses his teeth.


    Mutual Respect

    • Establish that your pet’s right to end a play session is just as important as your child’s right to do so.
    • Teach your child to leave your pet alone when she retreats to a bed or crate that you’ve designated as a pet’s “safe spot.”


    • Reasonable consequences should be set for a child who neglects his pet-care chores—letting your child determine the consequence is often more effective in changing his behavior.
    • Never threaten to get rid of a pet if your child fails to perform certain duties. Kids may stop caring about the pet to keep from feeling vulnerable to the possible loss.

    Play Dates


    General Rules

    • When your child and pet are first getting to know each other, create games that require your child to rely on words and toys rather than on direct physical contact with your pet. This will minimize the risk that your child or pet will be accidentally injured because one or the other is overexcited.
    • Teach both your child and pet rules for each game, helping each to have positive, controlled interactions with each other. For example, when playing a game involving dog treats or toys, teach your dog that he must sit before earning his reward—if he jumps up or grabs at it, he does not get the reward and the game ends. This is important because many dogs will jump up on or grab at objects that kids are offering and may knock over or accidentally bite the child in their enthusiasm. This can scare or injure the child, while at the same time teach the dog that he can get what he wants simply by taking it.
    • Show your child that he can get your pet to listen by using rewards. This will reduce his feelings of frustration.
    • If anyone gets upset during play, a brief time-out is effective for both children and animals. Establish safe areas where your child and your pet can spend time by themselves, separately, for a brief period. For pets, 30 to 60 seconds is a reasonable time-out period. One minute for every year of age is the general rule for children. However, you may wish to consult with your pediatrician to determine an appropriate time-out period. 

    Warning Signs That Your Child’s Behavior Is Dangerous To Pets

    Children are naturally interested in interacting with—and getting a reaction from—the family pet. It’s not uncommon for them to hide food, play a little too rough, play dress up with the pet or put makeup and hair products on her. In these situations, parental guidance is needed, as a pet may feel uncomfortable or suffer harm if dangerous substances are ingested.

    More serious, however, is when a child intends to hurt an animal. Whether the cause is peer pressure or a cry for help, true malicious animal cruelty is not a behavior that children outgrow by themselves. Professional intervention may be needed to prevent behavior problems that can stay with a child into adulthood, and even be acted out on other human beings.

    The following behaviors may indicate that intervention is needed to guide your child away from cruel behaviors toward animals:

    • Chasing a fleeing pet
    • Locking a pet in a closet
    • Leaving a pet outdoors
    • Knowingly or unknowingly feeding a pet harmful human foods.
    • Feeding human medications that are dangerous to pets to see what effect the pills will have
    • Placing a tight rubber band around a paw
    • Painting a pet’s body
    • Putting a small animal in a washing machine, microwave or other appliance
    • Staging fights between dogs or letting one animal chase another
    • Deriving pleasure from seeing a frightened or suffering pet
    • Responding to adult reprimands by engaging in secretive, hostile acts toward the pet
    • Burning an animal
    • Teasing an animal with firecrackers
    • Repeatedly showing off the inhumane handling of a pet to others
    • Putting an animal in dangerous situations, such as dangling her outside a window or bringing her into the road


    Taking Action

    If you discover your child repeatedly putting an animal into dangerous situations, act swiftly to teach him that these behaviors are not acceptable. The following guidelines may help:

    • Do not ignore or dismiss pet-unfriendly actions. Most children, when dealt with as though they’ve committed a serious offense, will think twice before repeating the behavior.
    • Use the same serious tone of voice that you would use if you saw your child running across the street without stopping to look for oncoming traffic.
    • A simple, clear statement such as, “We don’t hurt animals” is far more effective than lecturing.
    • If your child persists in hitting, kicking, pinching or teasing your pet in spite of your repeated corrections, consult with your pediatrician or an expert in child development.
    • You set the example. Never hit, shake, jerk or yell at your family pet—your child may imitate you and go too far.
    • If you overreact in anger toward your pet, show your child that it’s all right to apologize to the pet, just as you would apologize to a person.
    • If your teenager involves the family dog in high-risk activities such as dog fighting, not only should you intervene, but check in to see if your child is being influenced by alcohol, drugs, gambling or other unhealthy behaviors that involve peer pressure.
    • Remember that for most children, learning empathy and respect toward animals is part of the normal socialization process. These values are instilled the same way as learning not to hit friends or tease mercilessly.

    Challenges And Solutions

    Though certain challenges may arise when you raise kids and pets together, our experts offer solutions that’ll keep the whole family happy together.

    Challenges: Your child doesn’t seem to care about animals as much as you do.

    Solutions: Give it time. If you try to force the issue it will probably take even longer for your child to develop an affinity toward animals. If you’re providing your child opportunities for positive experiences with animals, they will most likely grow up appreciating animals—maybe even more than you do. If they don’t, as long as your child is not interacting inappropriately or maliciously with animals [link to warning signs of unhealthy behavior]. it’s important to accept that difference.

    Challenges: You idealize or have unrealistic expectations about the role a pet could play in your child’s life.

    Solutions: There are a great many benefits to growing up with animals, but it’s important to know that animals are not a solution for all the trials and tribulations of childhood. Your child may not turn to animals for comfort or company. Keeping this in mind will help ground your expectations.

    Challenges: Your child appears to resent the time and attention that you give to your pet, especially if you spend time on pet-centered activities that your child doesn’t want to participate in.

    Solutions: This is an age-old parent challenge—making time for yourself and others who are important to you in addition to your children. It’s important to indicate, in every possible way, that your pet is a member of the family and that each member of the family gets his or her fair share of attention. Spend one-on-one time with your child in addition to any time you may spend with your pet and child together, and be sure this is purely fun time, not chores or errands. Assure your child that you love him or her, and that spending time with your pet doesn’t take away from that.

    Challenges: The family pet is showing signs of stress, including separation anxiety, chewing on or scratching furniture and going to the bathroom in inappropriate places.


    • Make your pet's daily schedule as predictable as possible. Feeding, walking, play and rest times should be consistent from day to day.
    • Set aside 20 minutes a day for uninterrupted together time with your pet. Do this at the same time each day and include exercise, which will burn off extra energy and relax the both of you.
    • Provide lots of safe, fun things for your pet to do on her own. Dogs usually like to chew, so stuff a Kong with dog food or healthy snacks. Kongs can be prepared and then frozen ahead of time as a time-saver. Cats like to explore, so leave empty cardboard boxes out or open closet doors or drawers for her to investigate (do make sure the environment is safe, and that the drawers are stable and doors won’t shut on her). And catnip toys are often appreciated.
    • Rotate your pet’s toys, exchanging them every few days so they stay interesting.

    Challenges: You and your partner feel differently about the family pet—i.e. one of you may be afraid, or you may have different ideas about the pet’s role in the family.

    Solutions: In an ideal situation, you’ll have the luxury of working these differences out before bringing a pet into the family. If a pet is already a member of the family, these differences can still be addressed. Together with your partner, and perhaps with the aid of a psychologist or other relationship counselor, you can determine how to make your life with your pet work for both of you.

    Challenges: Your child wants a pet, but you don’t.

    Solutions: It’s important to make a realistic decision about whether or not you can bring a pet into your family. Read up on the time and care that different animals require so that you can make an informed decision about what kind of pet you might adopt. If you can’t, be truthful with your child. Explain why you can’t have a pet right now. Remember that you will be the animal’s primary caretaker. While kids should be able to help, they won’t be able to do it all and they’ll need you to set the example. If you’re not able to take on the responsibility, it won’t be fair to your child or to the animal you adopt.


    Ask the Expert: Dog and Cat Behavior

    Help! My dog’s bark is as bad as his bite!
    Why does my cat lick me?
    I have a dog, but I want to get a cat. How do I keep the fur from flying?

    The ASPCA Animal Behavior Center’s experts tackle your toughest problems.
    Our experts are currently helping animals in the field and are not accepting questions at this time. Please browse our archived Q&As or check out our Virtual Behaviorist for solutions to many of your pressing pet questions. In case of emergency, please contact your local veterinarian or animal clinic.

    Verbally Demanding Cats

    I have a 13-year-old male who became verbally demanding about 1 1/2 years ago, when we lost one of our cats to kidney failure. My theory? The cat who passed on was the alpha female and had him under her thumb. Since she's not here, is he showing how spoiled I've made him? He's the healthiest one in the house, so it isn't medical. Any input?
    It could be that he's still searching for the female, but that's quite a long time to continue this behavior. And it sounds like you have other cats, so we presume he's not lonely. Given his age, it's a good idea to ask your veterinarian to check him for hyperthyroidism. Excessive meowing can be a symptom of this, and it can also make a cat hungrier.


    Training to Eliminate Outdoors

    My five-month-old shepherd puppy won’t go to the bathroom outside. I rescued her at two months, and she is paper trained. I’ve tried to use soiled and regular paper outside, and I have kept her outside for six hours and have walked her with other dogs—all to no avail. Do you have any other suggestions?
    A couple of quick tips: Take her to grass or dirt—to a dog, these surfaces are similar to wee wee pads. Keep a loose leash and turn your back. Dogs don’t like people hovering over them when they go to the bathroom. You need to remove the option of eliminating indoors. If your dog hasn’t gone to the bathroom after being outside for 15 minutes, take her back in and put her in a crate or a small area. Take her back outside after 15 minutes and see if she goes to the bathroom.


    Neutered Cat Still Spraying

    My daughter saw our youngest cat, Agnes, who is a year old, spray a piece of furniture. Agnes is a female and is neutered. My daughter's positive this is what she witnessed (three times so far). Is this normal? What can be causing it? The litter box and the area around it are clean.
    It is important to have Agnes checked for health problems that may be leading to this behavior. For example, bladder infections or stones in the bladder could cause her to spray urine. Your veterinarian will want to perform a urinalysis, a urine culture and an ultrasound exam of the bladder to check for stones. If this is all normal, you may want to contact a veterinary behaviorist for advice! Some things that may help include: changing the type of litter you are using, taking the cover off your litter box, making sure to have at least one litter box per cat, and being sure to clean up any urine with an odor neutralizer such as Anti-Icky-Poo. Since you have more than one cat, this may be causing Agnes stress, and it is important that there are plenty of clean litter boxes and a private place for her to go. Good luck with Agnes!


    Moving Outdoor Cats Indoors

    I'm moving to a place where the cats won't be able to go outdoors as they do now. How can I handle what is sure to be a big problem for them—and me?
    You are right that it will be a big change for your cats. Outside is an ever-changing place with tons of natural enrichment for them. Your goal will be to best provide a changing and enriching environment inside to decrease the likelihood of them creating their own. Instead of feeding them in bowls, have them hunt for their food around your house. Place their food on small plates, or in boxes or even in toilet paper tubes distributed throughout the house. They can spend part of their day hunting, just as they did outside! You can also give them forage. Provide them with cat grass that you can buy from most large pet supply stores. This will give them the ability to graze just as they did outside. Hang toys by vents so they flutter unexpectedly—this will provide them with hunting experiences that can occur “at any moment.” The key is to change things often—and provide variety!


    Keeping Dogs Off Furniture

    I have a 10-month-old boxer who is always on the furniture! We have consistently told her “no,” taken her off the couch and placed her on her bed near the couch. This seems to be making it worse.
    There are products on the market that can make your life a lot easier and teach your dog not to jump on furniture. The Scat Mat is a mat that is pressure-sensitive. You put it out on any surface you don’t want your dog to be on, and if they step on it, it gives them a little static shock. It doesn’t hurt—but it will keep them off the furniture when you are not there to tell them to get off.


    Gaining Trust When Training a Puppy

    My five-month-old Shih Tzu nipped at me the last week, and I swatted her on the nose. Now she trembles when I approach her, and she doesn’t want anything to do with me. How can I regain her trust?
    Your puppy has associated you with the punishment you delivered for her nipping. Now she trembles in fear or avoids you altogether whenever you approach because she’s anticipating another swat on the nose. This can happen if a punishment is too intense (your puppy may be very sensitive, and the swat was too harsh for her) or if she has not already learned to associate your hands with good things. A puppy should be taught right away that being handled by the owner is always lovely—hands give treats, tickles, toys, and gentle touch. The same rule applies for the puppy coming to the owner. Each time the puppy comes to the owner, good things should happen. With a foundation like this—which can take as little as a few days or as long as a few weeks, depending on the puppy’s temperament—she will be able to make the connection between her behavior and the punishment should she receive a mild swat on the nose. Your puppy can learn to trust you again but you need to be very patient and tender with her. Give her treats frequently. If she’s too wary to come close to you at first, sit on the floor and toss them near her. As she relaxes, draw her nearer to you, but don’t reach for her. Take your time, and allow her to come to you. Use tiny pieces of a special treat food, such as cheese or chicken. When you see your puppy settling down for a nap, sit by her, remaining quiet and calm. Over time, she will become more comfortable with you approaching and sitting with her. The next step is to touch her—and eventually, you should be able to hold her in your lap and stroke her while she sleeps. The most valuable advice we can offer is that you should never strike this dog again. She is unlikely to be able to withstand or learn from any harsh physical punishment. Puppies bite for many reasons. Your puppy may have been feeling playful, feisty, or fearful. Without knowing many more details I can’t surmise as to why your puppy nipped at you—but it is important to let your puppy know you don’t want her to bite you. Should it happen again, we suggest that you yelp loudly and quickly walk away from her. If it’s safe to do so, you can leave the room briefly. If she is apt to get into trouble alone, then place her in her crate, with the door closed, for two to three minutes. Then, bring her back out and resume your activities. She’ll get the idea that nipping at you will cause you to go away. Most puppies prefer to be with people, and will do whatever is necessary to stay in their good graces.


    Excessive Meowing

    My one-year-old cat meows a lot. She doesn't seem hurt or hungry, so I can't pinpoint why. After we moved to a new place, she started meowing more than ever. Could that be why?
    Excessive crying can be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, so please have her checked by your veterinarian. It could also be related to the move. She may be feeling more anxious in this setting for a number of reasons. Are there outside cats in the new place who are frightening her? Is she simply more stimulated by the outdoors, wanting desperately to be outside? Does she have as much to see and do in your new place? You may also wish to check out our article on feline enrichment to help give you some ideas on how to keep her occupied and happy.


    Dogs Scared of Joggers

    We don’t see many joggers. So when a gentleman came jogging toward us this morning, our dog’s tail went between her legs and she barked as he was running. What gives, and how do we change that?
    This is a really common problem for many dog owners in New York City! With a dog who is barking because she’s fearful, it usually helps to set her up with her trigger, starting at a distance that's far away, and pair the trigger with either just treats or a command that will be rewarded by treats (or a toy, if your dog's more toy-motivated.) Here's what it looks like: Jogger appears, half a block away. As soon as your dog notices the jogger, ask her for a sit (or a watch, or a hand-touch) and reward her with her favorite thing in the world—cheese, liverwurst, a game of tug, etc. Repeat a few times until she's seeing the jogger and instantly sitting/watching. Then have the jogger run by a little closer. If your dog barks, you're going too fast. Most people who are not professional trainers do this kind of work way too quickly. If the dog is fine with a jogger a block away, the next step is not to have him right by you very close! Repeated, slower reps are better with this kind of behavior modification. Getting a trainer to help with the setups is often a good idea.


    Dogs Jumping When Greeting

    How can I stop my two-year-old golden retriever from jumping on people as they come into the house?
    Ah, goldens are such enthusiastic greeters! Fortunately, they're also usually really food-motivated and very fast learners, so this is relatively easy to fix. Taking your dog to a basic obedience class and teaching him some basic commands is a good place to start. We’ve never heard anyone complain their dog was too well-trained, and most goldens love having work to do. In the meantime, here's something you can do at the door if you have some willing friends:
    1. Put dog on leash. Hold the dog firmly, far enough back from the door that his paws can't reach the person.
    2. Have friend come to door. When she comes in, the moment your dog's paws are off the ground, have the friend turn around and leave.
    3. Repeat, asking dog to "Sit." If paws come up, leave again.
    4. After 5-20 repetitions of this (usually closer to 5) the dog will just give up and remain sitting. Yay! Have your friend give the dog a treat.
    5. Repeat until dog is sitting politely for treats every time the friend enters.
    Try this with a different friend. It will take fewer reps with each new person, until your dog is politely playing the "Sit" game with everyone who comes to the door!


    Cat Demanding Attention

    My cat likes to stand outside the tub when my husband is in the shower. Then when he comes out, she rubs up against him and demands his attention. She doesn’t do this with me! Can you explain her behavior?
    Who is teaching whom? Sounds like your cat is quite the lion tamer! Perhaps what happened is that she learned that your husband is likely to pat her when he exits the shower. It likely became a bit of a ritual for the two of them. Chances are, one day your husband was in a rush, and did not pat her—she might have responded by swatting, meowing or some behavior that then resulted in your husband paying attention to her. It sounds like this has now progressed. You both need to decide if this behavior is something you can live with, or something you need to change. We think it is cute! If you want to change it, your husband will need to change his behavior. We suggest he towel off in the shower and then immediately leave the bathroom. Good luck!


    Barking, Running, and Nipping

    My one-year-old Lab barks at me whenever he gets mad at something. If he gets excited, especially outside, he will start running around, and then lunge and nip at me. I walk away from him, but I don't think he understands that he’s doing wrong. What can I do?
    This is not terribly uncommon behavior from an untrained adolescent Lab. Have you taken him to obedience classes? Once he knows how to sit, down, stay and come on command, you'll find you have tools to ask him to do something other than bark and nip. When dogs demand-bark, you can pretend your doggy translator got scrambled, and give them the opposite of what they want. "Oh, barking at me while I'm eating? That means you want to go sit in the bathroom by yourself." Then you can march the dog to the bathroom for a 30-second time-out. If they do it again, the time-out will be a few minutes. If they do it a third time, they're going to their crate for a nap. (Hey, no one should bark at you while you’re eating!) For the lunging and nipping, why not channel all that energy into a useful pursuit? A young Lab like yours should get at least an hour of aerobic exercise each day. Playing fetch using two balls (don't throw the second one until he drops the first one) is usually something Labs love. Swimming is great if the weather suits. Other options include getting an attachment for your bike and teaching the dog to run beside the bike, or taking him to the dog park. If he still has the energy to grab you, do the "scrambled doggy translator" thing with this as well. Keep a leash or long line on him in the yard. If he nips at you, say "Too bad!" (on the first one) and march him to a time-out area. Three strikes, you're out—same as the barking. But get that dog some training, too!


    Walking Big and Small Dogs Together

    My daughter has two large pit bull mixes, a male and a female. I have two mini schnauzers. We would like to walk them all together, but her dogs are very intimidating. Any suggestions?
    Is it you or your dogs who are intimidated by the pit mixes? If your dogs are intimidated, but the pit mixes are not aggressive in any manner toward them, it might just take time for everyone to get used to each other. Introduce them gradually, on leash. Make sure they meet for short periods at a time. Start by walking the pairs of dogs with some distance between them.


    Puppies Who Put Everything In Their Mouths

    Our six-month-old neutered dog, Tucker, puts everything in his mouth and, if possible, eats it. I realize puppies are like babies and that's how they learn, but it's to the point that if it's not tied down, he'll probably grab it. This includes dirt in potted plants, twigs, leaves, garbage he finds on the ground or in the grass, pen caps, plastic wrappers from sliced cheese—the list goes on. So far, I've just been opening his mouth and pulling out what I can. I haven't tried any verbal or physical punishment or correction up until this point. I would appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!
    This is pretty normal puppy behavior—taking your puppy to class and teaching "leave it" and "drop it" commands are very helpful in curbing this behavior. It's also important to get your puppy some aerobic exercise every day—use two balls to teach a retrieve (don't throw the second one until he drops the first one) and give him lots of "legal" outlets for his chewing, like bully sticks or food-stuffed Kong toys. Playing with other dogs is another great chew-and-energy burner!


    Communicating With Your Cat

    Rainbow, our four-year-old shelter cat, frequently stands meowing over one of her catnip toys, then picks it up in her mouth, carries it to wherever we are in the house, drops it at our feet, then sits down in front of it. What is she trying to tell us?
    - Barbara K.
    Aww!! Okay—so we will start by saying this—we cannot tell you for sure what your cat is communicating. However, we suspect she has learned that if she behaves in this way, she is likely to engage her humans in interaction. We imagine it is fairly hard to resist her and her toy when she drops her toy and sits in front of it! If you then engage her, and she continues to drop her toy for you in the future, you can conclude that she is asking for your involvement in her activity.


    Training to Eliminate Away From Home

    I have a 14-year-old Chow mix who will not pee or poop unless she is in our yard. I can’t take her traveling because of this. Is there anything I can do?
    We’re going to make the assumption that your dog used to eliminate on walks but, as she aged, she became reluctant to eliminate outside your yard. Just like people, dogs can exhibit behavioral changes as they advance in years. This is even more likely if your dog is also suffering from a sensory deficit, such as loss of vision. It may be that she’s feeling too anxious and worried to relax enough to eliminate. If you suspect that this may be the case, speak with your veterinarian about a medication called Anipryl, which can help dogs with age-related behavior problems. If your dog is quite reliable about urinating and defecating in the yard, you could try teaching her to void on command. Accompany her each time she goes in the yard, and when you spy her sniffing and circling, say your cue (something like, “Do your business”) and reward her with a treat when she goes. With sufficient repetition, some dogs can become conditioned to eliminate when they hear those words. While traveling, you can use this command to encourage her to eliminate. Alternatively, take along a few samples of her waste products (it needn’t be much) and scatter a bit around the area where you’d like her to eliminate. The odor of her own waste will stimulate her to void, and may also help her relax in different settings. It will also help greatly if you are sensitive to the fact that she feels insecure in new surroundings, and stay close by to support her.


    Bark Control Collars

    My eight-week-old German shepherd/collie barks a lot, and I recently purchased a bark control collar that releases a low shock. I’m curious to know if I can use it on her now, or is she too young? Could it cause permanent damage?
    Electronic collars can be effective when used in appropriate circumstances, but we would never recommend their use without guidance from a behaviorist or CCPDT-certified dog trainer experienced with electronic training products. Any form of punishment can induce trauma in sensitive dogs. Your eight-week-old puppy is just joining your family, and she needs to learn to love and trust you. That’s why it’s especially important to rely on positive reinforcement methods with youngsters. If you have an eight-week-old puppy who barks excessively, we must first ask why. Excessive barking can be caused by many things, and it’s critical to determine why the puppy is barking before the problem can be resolved:
    • Is the puppy barking in her crate? If so, you may be leaving her in her crate for too long. You’ll want to make sure she has enough chew toys to keep her busy while she’s crated.
    • Is the puppy barking when left alone? If that’s the case, she may be anxious about being separated from you. It may be necessary to accustom her to short, frequent absences, rather than lengthy ones.
    • Is the puppy barking for your attention? A great solution would be to enroll in training class so she can learn better ways to interact with you.
    • Is the puppy barking to come in from the yard? Try not to leave her out so long by herself, and teach her to sit by the door to let you know she wants to come in. 


    Anticipating Bites

    My one-year-old dog is growing increasingly wary around strangers.  How do I know if he might bite?
    Being able to tell when your dog is going to bite is an important skill. While dogs may vary to some degree in the behaviors they show before biting, most will exhibit some combination of the following: direct staring, pulling, barking, growling, snapping, and lunging forward. The extent to which your dog engages in these behaviors depends on his individual personality, prior experiences, and the threatening stimulus. For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that your dog is exhibiting this wariness toward strangers he encounters during walks. To minimize the chances that he will bite, we suggest walking him on a head halter so you have more control if he does react aggressively. It’s also a good idea to always carry his favorite treats with you; should you see a stranger approaching, you can use the treats to get his attention and distract him until the stranger passes and is no longer in sight.  In time your dog will associate the presence of oncoming strangers with good things—food! The main thing to keep in mind is to never put your dog in a situation in which is he uncomfortable and has the opportunity to bite.


    Obsessive Grooming

    Help, I think my cat is an obsessive groomer!
    It comes as no surprise to anyone that grooming has hygienic benefits.  It helps eliminate parasites, keep the cat’s coat clean and smooth, cool the cat down through evaporation of saliva, and stimulate glands attached to hair roots that secrete substances to keep fur waterproofed.  However, grooming can also have psychological benefits. A cat may groom to temporarily reduce conflict, frustration, or anxiety.  Under these conditions, licking becomes what is called "displacement behavior."  Displacement behavior can occur when an animal is motivated to perform two or more conflicting behaviors simultaneously. Unable to do so, a third behavior arises that is out of context with the situation. For example, during a social conflict a cat who feels threatened may be conflicted between running from his or her attacker and staying and fighting. Caught in a bind, the cat decides to groom instead!  In these situations, grooming appears to calm and reassure the cat. Over-grooming, in the form of excessive licking, biting, nibbling, chewing, or sucking the coat or skin, with no underlying medical cause, is typically indicative of stress.  Common causes of feline stress are fear, lack of stimulation, isolation, new pet in the household, a move to a new household, separation anxiety and, in some cases, early weaning.   Over-grooming becomes problematic when it results in self-inflicted injury (hair thinning, removal of complete tufts of hair, skin infections), a condition called “psychogenic alopecia.”  This diagnosis is made when no underlying medical condition can be detected.  In some cases, excessive grooming can start in response to a skin irritation (caused by fleas, allergies, infections), but this can escalate into a behavioral problem even though the condition has cleared. It is thought that the grooming behaviors become self-reinforcing by reducing anxiety. The grooming actions become repetitive, called “stereotypies,” that may come and go, depending on the cat’s current level of stress.


    Factors Determining a Cat’s Personality

    What factors determine a cat’s personality?
    The contribution of genetics to an animal’s personality is a fascinating topic. There are many anecdotal reports of personality differences among breeds. For instance, Siamese cats are oft described as demanding, extremely vocal, and outgoing with strangers. The Russian blue is characterized as quiet, gentle and withdrawn, while the Persian is described as lethargic, lazy and reserved. Cat experts, primarily breeders and cat show judges, are quick to point out, though, that there are large differences among individuals within a breed too. There is also scientific evidence that individual variation in behavior may be related to the cat’s genetic makeup. Researchers in the UK scored kittens on “friendliness to people” and determined that paternity accounted for most of the variation. Kittens sired by friendly fathers were more likely to be sociable than kittens sired by reserved fathers. The researchers made sure the kittens never met their fathers, so genetic factors would have to be responsible for this effect. The friendliness of the mother had little impact on the kittens’ sociability. Realize that genes do not code for specific behavior patterns, so the influence is indirect. For instance, the father’s genes could produce a physical trait, such as growth rate or coat color that sways the nature of the kitten’s contact with people, which in turn, impacts sociability.  It’s too bad that we almost never know a cat’s sire, else those people wanting a friendly cat could just make sure to select a kitten with an affable dad. Another example of how genetics can indirectly influence behavior comes from research on genetically linked deafness. White cats, especially those with blue eyes, are often deaf because the gene involved in the production of the white coat color also induces unilateral or bilateral deafness.  Deafness has a marked effect on behavior, with many owners describing these cats as “not terribly bright.” In addition, in some lines of blue-eyed white cats, the females are unusually timid. Numerous experiments investigating feline development have demonstrated the influence of experience on individual characteristics. Early socialization greatly affects personality. Kittens raised in isolation from people or cats for the first seven months of life, were extremely timid in new environments and displayed exaggerated fear responses when restrained by people. Kittens handled regularly during the first 45 days of life approached novel objects and people more readily than non-handled kittens. Sociable kittens were handled more frequently, handled for longer periods of time, and handled by a greater number of people during the “socialization period” (4-12 weeks of age) than reserved and timid kittens. Early nutrition is also an important factor in determining the personality of cats. Several studies have examined how malnourishment in the mother impacts kitten behavior. Kittens of malnourished mothers are developmentally delayed, learning-deficient, and more accident-prone during play. When separated from their mothers, the kittens of malnourished moms were less distressed than normal kittens. Some of the kittens of malnourished mothers showed exaggerated levels of fear and aggression toward other cats and people. Most of the behavioral abnormalities persisted into adulthood, despite the fact that the kittens received appropriate nutrition after weaning.


    Can Cats and Dogs Get Along?

    I have a dog, and was hoping to adopt a cat rescued from Hurricane Katrina. Can a cat and a dog get along?
    Absolutely! Dogs and cats can become fast friends. Ideally, they should become accustomed to the other species as youngsters. This early exposure teaches them that it is normal to co-exist in a household. If possible, select a cat who is confident and curious about dogs. When you introduce them, the dog should be leashed and under control. Allow the cat to explore the room. If the cat approaches the dog, and if the dog doesn’t try to grab the cat, they should be fine together. If the cat is afraid of the dog, give the cat a few days to become comfortable in part of the home before introducing them again. If the cat ends up hiding for more than a couple of weeks, you may need to find a dog-free home for this particular cat. Keep in mind that it is common for cats to give their canine friends a swat or two should the dog accidentally play too rough. You can help by verbally discouraging him whenever you see the dog give chase or get too rough.


    Brushing Your Cat

    Do I have to brush my cat?
    If your cat enjoys being brushed or combed, then we encourage you to do so.  Grooming your cat can serve to strengthen the bond between you and your pet. Grooming can also help you to screen your cat for any problems that may be developing on the skin. On the other hand, many cats do not take fondly to being groomed by any tools but their own—so if you value your own safety, it’s best to let these cats to take care of the job themselves! If your cat is prone to hairballs, matting fur, or excessive shedding, you may need to leave the grooming to a professional groomer.


    Dog Anxiety After a Move

    My dog and I were transplanted from New Orleans to a new home, and now he's become overprotective and barks whenever strangers approach. Is it usual for a dog to get upset with a big move? How can I ease his anxiety?
    It is not uncommon for dogs to change following a traumatic upheaval. Most dogs are creatures of habit—they like things to stay the same. And now your dog is suddenly in a new town, in a new home, and surrounded by unfamiliar people. You can help him overcome his doggy post-traumatic stress by adhering to a schedule of feeding, walking and training that is as close as possible to what you did before the move. Make sure he receives at least as much exercise, if not more. When you take him out for walks, carry very tasty treats or an irresistible toy, and distract him whenever a stranger approaches. This will disrupt the barking and teach him to expect good things whenever a stranger is near. It’s also smart to teach him to stay in a comfortable place in your home, away from the door. Train him in advance to understand that when guests come to the door, he is to go to this place. Arm the guest with treats and toys and, if you’re sure he’s all bark and no bite, let them meet. If you’re worried that he might bite, however, do seek help from a behaviorist or certified trainer.


    Why Cats Groom So Much

    Why are cats always grooming themselves?
    When it comes to personal hygiene, cats are the epitome of cleanliness.  They are naturally equipped with everything they need to groom themselves:  a barbed tongue with which to lick, forepaws they moisten with saliva and use as surrogate washcloths, and teeth to dig out tougher debris (so very efficient!!!).  Believe it or not, adult cats may spend as much as half of their waking hours grooming themselves, their relatives and friends. Mothers begin licking their kittens right after birth—to clean them, stimulate the release of urine and feces, rouse them to suckle, and provide comfort.  Kittens usually begin grooming themselves when they are about four weeks old.  At five weeks of age, kittens also begin grooming their littermates, as well as their mom. Mutual grooming amongst littermates, called allogrooming, often continues into adulthood.  Allogrooming is a social activity that serves to strengthen the bond between cats. If you’ve ever watched a cat groom her face, you’ve probably noticed the highly stereotyped manner in which she does it:  first, saliva is applied to the inside of one paw. Then, using an upward circular motion, the cat begins rubbing her nose with her paw from back to front.  The cat will then reapply saliva to that paw and, using semi-circular motions, groom behind the corresponding ear, the back of the ear, the forehead and over the eye. When finished with one side, the process is repeated with the other paw on the other side of the head. After the head is clean, the cat grooms the front legs, shoulders, flanks, anogenital area, hind legs, and tail with long strokes of the tongue.  The order of body parts may vary, and not all are necessarily groomed in one sitting.


    Cat Won't Eat From Dish

    We think our 12-year-old cat is afraid to eat from her dish. She meows until one of us walks over and gives her dry food by hand. We’ve moved the dish, but it doesn’t help—but at least it appears that she is eating at night when we are asleep. What can we do?
    It sounds like your cat may have learned that if she meows long enough, you will hand-feed her! If you don’t want to be hand-feeding her all the time, you may just want to give her food at night. There is nothing wrong with her eating while you are asleep. You may also try to resist the urge to hand-feed her and just leave her to eat at night. You may very well see that she starts to eat on her own during the day, too.


    Are Two Cats Better Than One?

    Are two cats better than one?
    - Jane
    Ah yes, there are many benefits to having two cats, but they apply only when the two cats are well matched and have enough physical space to live together comfortably. For one, two cats provide each other with exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Cats housed together have more opportunity to “just be cats” by socializing and playing with each other, and this means they are less likely to be destructive or engage in other problematic behaviors. For example, some single cats annoy their owners by trying to wake them during the night for play. Two cats might still wake the owner by tearing around the home, but at least the owner isn’t getting up out of bed to entertain the cat. Another benefit of having two cats is that they are sometimes cleaner than “single” cats. Cats will groom each other’s ears and coats, often getting at places they can’t reach on their own! However, the potentially positive aspects of having multiple cats are quickly negated in the face of “cohabitation anxiety.” Adult cats with a history of living alone are better off remaining solitary, unless you can provide enough space so that the cats are essentially living alone in the same home. It’s also important to be aware that cats can take a LONG time to learn to like each other. Dogs usually decide to be friends, or not, within a few hours or days. Cats, on the other hand, can take as long as a year to stop squabbling and start hanging out together. Individual cats differ in levels of activity and sociability, primarily based on age, previous experience and exposure to other cats. You’ll need to consider these differences when making a match. Kittens, adolescents, and young adult cats can satisfy each other’s need for play by engaging in stalk-chase and wrestling games. Other suitable matches include pairing a kitten with an experienced adult female (this way, the female can take on a “motherly” role) or pairing a “bratty” adolescent with an older, more experienced cat. In some cases, a calm, mature adult with a history of maternal or social behavior can tolerate the inappropriate behavior of a younger cat with limited social skills, and in the process “teach” the youngster more socially acceptable behavior. Space is an absolute necessity for multiple-cat homes. Providing access to an outdoor enclosure also significantly increases living space, except during the colder months when cats have little desire to be outside. Indoor cats do best with multiple sites for resting and hiding, so each cat can control the amount of interaction with others. Cats always need to have spots for hiding, so they can be alone and undisturbed whenever they feel the need. Multiple litter boxes are also advisable, so that each cat can feel safe while eliminating. The number of litter boxes should equal the number of cats you have, plus one. For example, if you have three cats, you will need four boxes. And, of course, provide plenty of scratching posts and toys to keep everyone happy. Food and water can be placed in a common area, as cats seem to enjoy congregating to eat. However, if you have a particularly timid cat, you may need to provide extra rations in a secluded area. Should you decide to make yours a multiple-feline household, please keep in mind that your cats are not likely to be best buddies immediately. There are no guarantees, and it’s always best to be super cautious when introducing cats to each other. Please refer to our guidelines for introducing cats. And if you are adopting a cat who has already lived in a group at the shelter, consider adopting one of his or her friends. Introducing two friends to a new home can ease the transition, and you’ll be much more likely to have a successful merger.


    CATs SPAY-NEUTER (All there is to know)


    What Are Spaying and Neutering?

    Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians that render cats incapable of breeding by removing their reproductive organs. When a female cat is spayed (also called an ovariohysterectomy), the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are removed. Neutering results in the castration of males and the complete removal of their testicles.

    What Are the Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

    Spayed cats are less likely to develop breast cancer and will not be at risk for ovarian or uterine cancer, while neutered males will not get testicular cancer. By neutering male cats, you also reduce the risk of injury and transmission of disease, since intact males have a natural instinct to roam and get into fights with other cats, who may have contagious diseases or parasites.

    Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Cat?

    In addition to the many health benefits, spaying or neutering your cat ensures that he or she won’t contribute to the feline overpopulation problem. Even a cat who lives indoors may escape and produce kittens if not sterilized. Each year, millions of homeless cats are euthanized or end up in shelters due to a lack of good homes.

    What Are Some Behavioral Issues Associated with Cats Who Aren’t Spayed or Neutered?

    Although any cat can spray urine to mark territory, intact males are those who most often engage in this behavior. Both intact male and female cats may try to escape their homes to roam outside. When female cats are in estrus (heat), they yowl and attract male cats.

    When Is the Best Time To Spay or Neuter My Cat?

    It is generally considered safe for kittens as young as eight weeks old to be spayed or neutered. In animal shelters, surgery is often performed at this time so that kittens can be sterilized prior to adoption. In an effort to avoid the start of urine spraying and eliminate the chance for pregnancy, it’s advisable to schedule the surgery before your own cat reaches six months of age. It’s possible to spay a female cat while she’s in heat, but not always recommended since she’s susceptible to increased blood loss. Although older cats can be good candidates, your vet can best determine if the procedure can be safely performed.

    What Happens When My Cat Is Spayed or Neutered? Will He or She Act Differently?

    After sterilization, your cat may be calmer and less likely to exhibit certain behaviors, but his or her personality will not change. Contrary to myth, a neutered cat does not become lazy and overweight. Fixed males do require fewer calories to maintain their body weight, so please talk to your vet about adjusting your cat’s dietary needs.

    How Do I Prepare My Pet for Surgery?

    Your veterinary clinic will provide pre-surgical advice that you should follow. In general, avoid giving your cat any food after midnight the night before surgery. A kitten, however, needs adequate nutrition, and your veterinarian may advise that food not be withheld.

    What Is the Recovery Process for Recently Spayed or Neutered Cats?

    Although your cat may experience some discomfort after surgery, he shouldn’t be in pain. Depending on the procedure performed, medication to control pain may be sent home with your cat. Here are some tips for a safe and comfortable recovery:
    • Provide your cat with a quiet place to recover indoors and away from other animals.
    • Try to prevent your cat from running or jumping for the first few days following surgery.
    • Prevent your cat from licking the incision site, which may cause infection, by distracting him with a few treats or by using an Elizabethan collar.
    • Consider using shredded paper instead of cat litter, since dust from the litter can also cause infection.
    • Avoid bathing your cat for at least ten days after surgery.
    • Check the incision site daily to confirm proper healing.
    If you notice any redness, swelling or discharge at the surgery site, or if the incision is open, please contact your vet. Also call your vet if your cat is lethargic, has a decreased appetite, is vomiting or has diarrhea following surgery.